Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Frequent change of habit

It's interesting how often I go through such sudden change of habits. I play guitar, shoot photos, design things, build things; I do a lot of stuff... but, for some reason, most of it comes in storm-like bursts. I'll play guitar all day, from morning 'til night, for a few weeks straight. Then I'll put it down and touch it maybe once per week. I'll shoot and edit photos for a month or so, but then my camera will collect dust for the following month.

This strange habit is something that never ends and I'm not quite sure if I like it. I guess what this is supposed to say is, "I've found a routine I like. I would like to hold on to it, but I'm not sure what makes the others disappearing so suddenly in the first place." Would it matter to me if the feeling dissipated? The me-right-now says yes, but the me-in-the-future may not care. Which one is more important?

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